Decided to join the race? Well first you'll need to know all about the Breed and all it's species and other info. This is also where the canids with be posting their bios either in their own topic or 'everyone's bios'
Decided to fight the race and take what you think it rightfully yours? Well everything about the human officers and war keepers is here. This is also where humans will post their bios.
Here is where the canid beasts live. The humans think that their rolling in their own filth there, the dirt and grid of the overtaken cities of humans and the few wind that remains. This is where the canines will be RPing and the battle field if a human comes in contact.
Here is where the humans live. Canines think their too unnatural and clean so they don't wander here unless their on a killing mission. If your human this is your safe zone, even if canids still come in and out picking you one by one, it's better than being in their turf. This is where humans may RP and where no one is safe when a canine wanders in.